
The target of poetry is the soul. The goal is to attract the soul like a flower attracts a butterfly. But sometimes it is a thistle on which the butterfly lands. Who can predict the pattern of a butterfly’s flit? Poetry changes our flit plans, not always predictably.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Thoughts on Good Shepherd Sunday

Jesus is riding on a donkey
And the people were cheering
 As he rode along,
they spread their cloaks on the road.
the whole crowd of his disciples
began to rejoice and praise God
with a loud voice for all the mighty works
they had seen:
 They Shouted:
Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
39 But some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him,
“Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”
40 He answered, “I tell you, if they keep silent,
the very stones will cry out!”
How do you think Jesus felt as he got down off his donkey?
Did the words
“That’s what I’m talking about!” go through his mind
His sheep knew His voice.
They followed wherever he went
It was the story, just as He told it.
But when he came to the crest of the hill
Things changed
And as he saw the city,
The scattered multitudes,
he wept over it saying,
 If you had only known on this day, even you,
the things that make for peace!
But now they are hidden from your eyes.
For the days will come upon you
when your enemies will build an embankment against you
and surround you and close in on you from every side.
44 They will demolish you—
you and your children within your walls—
and they will not leave within you
 one stone on top of another,
because you did not recognize the time
 of your visitation from God.”

It was the second time He cried.
Behold the source of the sobs of God:
The multitudes
Who did not know the time
Of their visitation from God.
Sheep without a safe place,
Scattered, homeless,
Shepherded? . . . no, more like
Preyed upon by the hirelings,
Who had run off
To chase profits in the temple,
And not the “speak for God” kind of prophets
No wonder He is angry!
No wonder He cleans house!
No wonder He empties the cluttered fold!
The Temple was always meant to be
God’s sheep cote,
For the Good Shepherd’s sheep
But now it is too late,
The Roman Wolves are coming
Another vantage point to see the city
Is Montrose harbor
One evening just about as it was getting dark
Dawn and I were looking across the harbor
When we saw the sailboats returning
Watching the Sailboats At Montrose Harbor
 They seem to know by instinct
The shepherd's call,
That tells them it is time for going home..
Like wooly sheep they come
White forms out of the misty cold
Nosing for the sheltered fold
 Alike, across the bay - downtown
The children graze the city's concrete meadows.
They frolic in the fading shafts of sun.
 Tough lambs are they
Who bear the lashings of the storms
They flock because they have no fold.
Wolves in shepherd cloaks compete
The bleating children run
From dirty street to dirty stree
And always deep within
The quiet Shepherd calls
Telling them it's time for coming home.
Are you there
Shepherd of sheep are you there?
I know how lambish I can be,
For though you're there,
I want you here, cause here
Seems safer, somehow closer
Lions prowl and roar
Seeking whom they may devour
And I am just a fearful little lamb inside
I have seen a pride of lions
In the city streets, asking where I am
Which tower am I hiding in
With power to devour all flesh
They're near and here
And yes, You are there, I know.
The man upstairs for prayers.
Come here, dear Lord
Shepherd of the lost sheep
Come near and I'll be found.

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