Joshua and Katheryn are One 5/23/2015
As we bind you together today
You will turn your hearts toward each other
And as Jesus said to Peter Where there is a binding
There is also a loosing
On this day when we bind you together
We loose you from loneliness
From two ones we will make two made one
Blessed be the Lord God who does this thing!
Sacrifice Ceremony
Kat and Josh explained that the items they were burning
were symbolic of their past, single life professing that they were giving up
these things for the marriage union
Swords Ceremony
We have been warriors
Protecting our selves
But love is surrendering to each other.
Under the banner of the Lord God of heaven
Inasmuch as you have been bound together
And sacrificed your single selves
And inasmuch as you have surrendered to each other
Through the strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
In the name of the Holy Trinity
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
In the name of the Holy Trinity
I pronounce you husband and wife.
The Introduction
I have the privilege and pleasure to introduce you all to
Katheryn Dawn Dusk and
Joshua Dylan Dusk-Peebles
Final Blessing
May you feel no rain, for each of you will be a
shelter to the other.
May you feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth
to the other.
May there be no loneliness for you;
Though you are two persons, there is one life before
Go to your dwelling lodge to enter into the days of
your togetherness.
And may the Lord God reign therein.
Katheryn and Joshua
I want to talk a bit about love
I am proud to be Katheryn’s grandfather
By virtue of the love her grandmother and I shared
We had a kind of fairy-tale relationship
And I would like to share some of the things
We talked about concerning our love
For each other and Christian love in general.
We noticed that, even though
It sounds like heresy in our romantic culture,
In those societies where parents
Make the marital relationship agreements
With other parents
Husbands end up loving their wives
And wives love their husbands
Dawn and I found this truth:
It does not matter how love starts
It matters how it grows
We found in the Song of Solomon
a vision of where love is growing to.
There are two parallel expressions of love
In the Song of Solomon
The first one is in Chapter . 2:16
“My Beloved is mine and I am his.”
Yes, it sounds like ownership
But it is mutual ownership
One might say I own and I am owned.
But I don’t think the people who say it are thinking,
Love is getting to run someone else’s life
But on the other hand it’s nice to know
You have an effect on someone else
Because someone else cares for you.
We might illustrate this love like this
When I text you it means that I am missing you
When I do not text you it means that
I am waiting for you to miss me.
Love is a small seed that yearns to grow
Love is powerful because love is God and God is love
Love changes you
It makes you a better person
And love brings peace and rest to you
Here is what we discovered:
The second verse in the Song of Solomon, chapter 7:10
I am my beloveds and his desire is toward me.
This is what love wants to grow into
It is the agape love of I Corinthians 13
The highest love the Bible knows
It is the love where the other person
Is more important to you than yourself
It is the love that sacrifices itself for the loved one.
C.S. Lewis was an old bachelor
Who studied love academically
But finally learned the real thing
in his marriage to Joy Davidman
He said, “Love
is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish
for the loved
person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.”
He said it like a teacher
But lived it like a lover
Here is how agape lovers argue
“Honey where would you like to eat out tonight
“Oh, wherever you would like, munchkins.
“But sweetheart, I want to go where you want
“Well, me too darling I want to go where you choose
And so it goes until one of them chooses
The place they think the other would like.
In marriage agape love has to be mutual
Or it will be a rocky road.
Both Dawn and I had experienced that.
You know the saying, from President Kennedy
“Think not what you can do for yourself
Think what you can do for your country”
It warms our patriotic hearts
But what if Joseph Stalin had said it
Then it would be cold and calculating.
The saying only works
If your country is also thinking
What it can do for you.
Agape lover says Matt. 6: 25 ,
do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body,
what you will wear”
Yes, God is the original agape lover
And His desire is that we learn to love
In that way also.
So this is where marital love is bursting
to grow
I am yours and I know your desire is
toward me
One evening Dawn and I were editing one
of my poems
As we were finishing I was thanking her
for helping so much
She turned to me and said
It is my greatest pleasure in life to
make other people shine.
Could she have said, I love you, better
than that?
The Symbolism
Some people have asked about the symbolism of Katheryn
and Joshua’s wedding. They asked all the guests to come as ancient Viking-like
warriors with which their friends complied wonderfully. Everyone did their own
costume in honor of their wishes. We were truly going to war in a sense; the
kind of war Jesus announced when he said “The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”
The life of Jesus from His birth to the Ascension was a taking over of the
dominion of this world. As creator, Jesus rightfully owns everything in this
world. What we did in the wedding was to take these pagan symbols and deliver
them over to Jesus. We took the devil’s music, as it were, and redeemed