
The target of poetry is the soul. The goal is to attract the soul like a flower attracts a butterfly. But sometimes it is a thistle on which the butterfly lands. Who can predict the pattern of a butterfly’s flit? Poetry changes our flit plans, not always predictably.

Thursday, April 29, 2004


It seems to me that the post modern antipathy toward authoritative proclamation is simply a plea for good solid reasons, rather than "Thus saith the authority." There is a difference between saying, Hold it, stop right there." and "Hold it, you're one step from fresh concrete." I can understand the speaker's panic in the first statement. I think there is a similar commendable panic in some gospel proclaimers too. They are honestly afraid if their hearer doesn't act quickly there is danger ahead. But I can also understand why someone will be more apt to respond to the second statement. It not only communicates the speaker's sense of danger but also gives the hearer the right to make his own judgment as to the danger. If he wants to walk in wet cement he may.

I am 60 years old. I have been intrigued with the post modern critique of Christianity largely because it echoes some of the problems I have had with the church since a young man. I referred to some of the problem in my last sermon at Jesus People USA.: "I was saved in the 5th grade - The songs we sang pictured my experience, “There’s been a Great change since I been born.” 'The things I usta would love - I don’t love no more.' So I was devoted to Jesus - Then someone told me: If you love Jesus, you will not be ashamed of Him - you’ll go out witnessing !

Oh dread - I was shy - scared to speak in public. I was the little kid peering out from behind his mama’s skirts. But I loved Jesus nevertheless. It wasn't really true that I couldn't love Jesus without rudely blaring the gospel out to people who I didn't know" I know this runs counter to some modern evangelistic paradigms but now, because of the post modern antipathy toward authoritative proclamation I can ease my imputed guilt.

One of my first poems written back in 1959.

Worship Service
The hour has come,
For us to sit,
And stand and sit,
And stand and sit.
We do this to be
Spiritually fit.

Things run smooth,
As smooth can be,
Everything's planned,
For eternity,
We do this because,
We've been set free.

The brass plates flash,
Down every row,
Our hare-earned coins,
And dollars flow,
Our love for God,
These things do show.

Now for a while,
We sit in awe,
The man arises,
Who has "the call,"
His words - raindrops,
Of honey fall

So when the winds
Of life are bleak,
We sit and stand
And give each week
Our spiritual house,
Will never creak.

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